My Precious Kid

My Precious Kid before Redesign

My Precious Kid before Redesign.Kay Green the owner wanted her new template to resemble the old as much as possible. This was achieved for the most part with a few tweaks of the template on the colour to make it flow slightly better.

The yellow background was kept for the menu area and the footer area's headers were done in red to match the changed logo.

The bullets were redone to match the yellow background instead of the current white and they now blend into the background. New small red bullets were made for the second menu section.

Suggestions were made about the logo and a third party produced the current logo.

My Precious Kid After Redesign

My Precious Kid after Redesign.The template while looking very similar to the original on the surface was completely overhauled under the hood. XHTML was used along with a DWT and all formatting now resides in the external CSS.

This will allow the site owner to maintain her site with much more ease. While only improving her SEO standing by having a Web Standards compatible site, and with more accessibility for disabled viewers. Data tables were amended to use headers and summaries where necessary.

The owner requested we implement the changeover for her and this we did. In using a DWT (Dynamic web template) we were able to easily retain her meta tags by using editable dwt code around the meta tags. We had to apply styles to any highlighted text however and some pages required the use of a table because of the needed layout, otherwise divs were used throughout. For a normal page without extra layout tables because of content this reduced the tables/divs count from around 30 to 8. Thereby making for a much faster download on each page.

Launched 24th Sept 2006

My Precious Kid.  Business closed.